01 our commitment

At Veritas Marine we believe that meeting and maintaining the very best standards and practices in health, safety and environmental protection are paramount to all other activities. We value our roles in eliminating risk to human health and safety and to our stewardship of the environment and seek to continuously improve our own standards.

02 our practices


To meet our responsibility, we ensure that robust and proactive measures are taken to:

  • Comply with relevant statutory and contractual QHSE requirements.
  • Plan operations to ensure that any works take into account the well-being of those persons and environments who may be affected.
  • Provide trained, experienced and competent management and supervision.
  • Provide and maintain equipment, locations and systems of work that are safe and minimise risk to health and environment.
  • Provide all personnel with adequate information, instruction and training.
  • Establish effective communication between all relevant parties.
  • Recognise that all accidents and occupational illnesses are preventable.

Through the use of sound management and judgement, observance of our HSE Policy, and application of our QHSE Management System procedures, we can assure positive outcomes in all our operations.


03 associations and certification

Veritas Marine conducts business at the very highest standards with regards to safe and environmentally sound operations. Specifically, we adhere to the requirements as set down by various industry bodies and are audited and certified accordingly. These bodies include, but are not limited to:

  • International Maritime Organization (IMO).
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
  • International Association of Classification Societies (IACS).
  • International Jack-Up Barge Operators Association (IJUBOA).
  • Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF).
  • National and local government organisations.

